Cubital Tunnel Brace
Cubital Tunnel Brace
The Cubital Tunnel Brace is a low-profile night splint that comfortably holds the elbow in a neutral position for the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. Ventral design, with no exposed rigid materials, enhances patient compliance during sleep. This cubital tunnel splint features an adjustable aluminum stay that allows the elbow to be positioned at the optimum angle. Unique strap retention system allows for easy application by holding the proximal and distal closure straps within their plastic buckles. The middle strap may be removed if desired for various treatment protocols
Indications include:
- cubital tunnel syndrome
- ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow
Ventral Design
Low-profile design enhances patient compliance during sleep. No rigid materials contact the head of the ulnar or the olecranon process.
Adjustable Aluminum Stay
Positions the elbow in a neutral position, yet the angle may be adjusted by bending the aluminum stay.
V-Strap™ Retention System
Provides easier application by preventing the proximal and distal closure straps from disengaging with the plastic buckles. Middle strap may be removed if desired for various treatment protocols.
*Circumference of upper arm at mid bicep
Suggested HCPCS: L3762