Removable Plastic Hinge
Low profile plastic hinge fits in almost any shoe style. Removable plastic hinge allows for a progressive step down treatment protocol.
Speed Laces
Speed lace closure design offers a faster and easier application.
Dynamic Cuff
Internal plastic cuff applies circumferential compression around the distal tibiofibular joint. The dynamic cuff increases the circumferential compression as the stabilizing straps begin to restrict inversion or eversion of the calcaneus (heel).
Stabilizing Straps
Nylon stabilizing straps form a figure-eight to help stabilize the talocrural and subtalar joints.
Stirrup Strap
Inner stirrup strap is lined with Skinloc™ material and connected to internal plastic cuff to better capture the calcaneus (heel) and resist inversion or eversion of the ankle.
PDAC Verified HCPCS: L1906
Patents: US 8,721,578; US 9,737,430; Australian 2008317265; Canadian 2,703,266; European (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, FR, GB, IE, NL, NO, SE) 2203135