Thuasne-Townsend USA
SpryStep® Vector AFO
SpryStep® Vector AFO
PDAC Approved L1950
The Custom Spiral AFO is an elegant, durable, patient-friendly custom composite AFO. All four models feature our signature posterior lateral spiral strut that offers biomechanical and fitting advantages. Each model also includes a molded inner boot.
Recommended for: Wide variety of neurological conditions affecting the lower limbs where control of the ankle-foot complex is required (drop foot, plantar flexion weakness etc). Conditions presenting with knee instability may also be considered (crouch gait, knee hyperextension etc).
Malleable heat formable thermoplastic moulded inner boot and calf cuff
Cyclic load resistant aramid forefoot
Exclusive posterior lateral strut fits easily into most shoes
Open heel design for greater comfort
Composite shell avoids bony prominences
Casting Instructions
Fiberglass (recommended brands are C-Form from ST&G, Delta Conformable BSN, Delta Lite BSN and Össur Techform)
Recommended Technique
Dry casting (with fiberglass)
Use of a casting platform
Sitting in a chair
Using casting platform to replicate heel height and toe ramp (or another system allowing to replicate heel height and toe
Metatarsal touching the casting platform
Optimal sagittal alignment: correlates with heel height of
the shoe (+/- 5° of the functional alignment)
Optimal coronal alignment: to represent biomechanical
goals (+/- 3° of functional alignment)
Tibial inclination of 7°
Please order all custom bracing directly through Thuasne LLC.