Thuasne-Townsend USA
SpryStep® Vector KAFO
SpryStep® Vector KAFO
Suggested L-Code L2036
Durable, versatile and lightweight, the SpryStep® Vector KAFO combines the power of modern composite manufacturing with trusted Townsend hinge technology. Featuring four shell configurations, a variety of joint options and two molded inner boot styles, the SpryStep® Vector KAFO is the comprehensive solution giving patients the confidence they need to lead active lives.
Recommended for:
Patients with varying neurological lower limb deficits including:
Multiple sclerosis
Incomplete spinal cord injury
Cerebral vascular accident
Traumatic brain injuries
Complications post-surgery
Trauma affecting lower limb function
Knee alignment concerns:
Genu varum
Genu valgum
Genu recurvatum
Thuasne USA’s proprietary pre-preg lamination process
Incorporates Thuasne USA’s SpryStep AFO technology
Locking and free moving knee joints
Heat formable molded inner boot
Ultra-lightweight design